Thursday, April 18, 2013

Social Networking

The social media is generally a negative thing. With an increased popularity in the recent years, it turned from an interesting, new concept to a consuming portion of many young and old people's lives. Many of the not-so-appealing qualities are recognized by those who use these sites daily, as well as those who stay strong and refuse to jump on the social networking band wagon, yet millions of people log on daily, wasting time that some cannot afford.
Specific reasons the social media is bad:
  • It causes drama.
  • It endorses cyber-bullying and harassment.
  • Lowers self-esteem. While you're sitting home on the computer, you see lovely pictures and posts of people having a good time. Or, people can be a little too honest.
  • Leads to isolation (in some cases, or every once in a while)
  • It wastes time that could be spent doing schoolwork.
  • No one cares about your updates, statuses, "tweets", etc.
    • Even if they do, they shouldn't:
      • If they were there, they were there. I'm sure they do not need to be reminded. 
      • If they weren't there, it's none of their business. 
      • If they need to know, you can/will tell them yourself. 
      • If they want to know, they can ask you themselves.
      • If it's about them, tell it to their face. Simple as that.
  • Possible/current colleges and employers can acquire access to your pages. Bad news for those with some...interesting posts. There is no privacy and teenagers especially are not careful about what they post!
  • Decreases the need for face-to-face contact, reducing social skills.
  • Makes interactions with friends, family, co-workers, whoever less personal, less sentimental.
  • Social networking is ADDICTIVE!
While Facebook, Twitter, tumblr., Instagram, or whatever are helpful with connecting with old friends and family, making new friends, or keeping in touch with "friends", your friends should already know how to contact you. There are many positives that have came out of this new age, such as business opportunities, spread of awareness on topics, and blossoming new love and friendships, I truly believe the negatives outweigh the positives of Social Networking.

Think twice about what you post. Resist the urge to get on the internet.

Julia B.

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